Sunday, November 26, 2017

Cyber Monday is Tomorrow and we're on Fyah over here!!!

Cyber Monday
Take advantage of Level-Up'18 with
We Cover in Detail:
 Social Media Platforms
How To Maximize Your Visibility
How To Attract Your Ideal Client
How To Monetize & Automate

Don't delay - Limited Space!!

CoachFUR is a Pet Industry Influencer, since '92 and a Social Media expert.
This January will be the kick-off of something wonerful for all those interested in Small Business, in particular, Women in Business, with a small niche of Pet Groomers.
Being a School Certified Master Groomer since '92 has enabled CoachFUR to go further and beyond with her passion for pets and specifically, pet grooming and assisting others in getting involved in the Industry, as well as Continuing Education for Professional Groomers - even Competition Groomers, where CoachFUR has gone head to head, countless and won to position in Division A, International Grooming Competition level - it takes hard work, study, and dedication to soar in the Pet Industry, but there is no better reward, than the people who are part of the Industry - Family, of caring pet specialists who serve from the heart, everyday.

For 4 weeks, starting in January we will walk through every element involved in navigating the Social Media Streets, and share most valued tips & tricks collected along those streets.
Not only do we dig in deep to Social Media, but we also go another layer deeper, and touch on email automation.
CoachFUR wants to enforce the work smarter not harder principle, and just how simple and time saving email automation can be.  Plus, once in place, a client will never be dropped on accident again - you know, the follow up call or email? Our automation takes care of that, so always there will be a follow up.  Simple follow up email, can win the heart of most, so long as it isn't annoying or Spam!

Social media and email automation is definitely important, but equally is knowing who your ideal client is, you want to serve.  CoachFUR takes your through a process, where you will determine exactly the demographics of your ideal client, to really narrow down the folks who will see your finished ad, let's say on Facebook.
Knowing a few key points can save big when it comes to ads - the more specific you are as to who you want to serve, will narrow down the click options which will lower the rate per click, as so on... All of these nuggets, CoachFUR has in an amazing bundle for you, which for the first run, price is on $97 until 11.27.17 when the price will increase to $299.  This course will not be offered again at this price, as this is beta price and the actual price will be $2,999 - very extensive!

So, I strongly urge you to sign up today, or contact us for a 30 minutes free consult, and let's Level-Up 2018, together!

Jodi Moreland aka, CoachFUR ~ Your Personal Coach For Ultimate Results

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